123sonography Speakers
In addition to their medical passion, our experts from all over the world also have a great passion for teaching.

Martin Altersberger
Resident in Anesthesiology Medical University of Vienna

Lisa Amatangelo
Professor of Clinical Radiology, Weill Cornell Vein Treatment Center

Dirk Becker
Resident in Anesthesiology Medical University of Vienna

Thomas Binder
Director Echolaboratory Medical University of Vienna

Ole-Alexander Breithardt
Senior Consultant Cardiologist, Agaplesion Diakonie Clinic, Kassel

Julie Cardoso
Diagnostic Sonographer, President Universal Ultrasound Management

Thomas Cook
Palmetto Health / University of South Carolina

Jose Antonio Diaz
Research Assistant Professor of Surgery, University of Michigan

Robinson M. Ferre
Emergency Medicine / Vanderbilt University Nashville

Georg Goliasch

Susan Gustavson
Diagnostic Sonographer, US Vascular, Universal Ultrasound Management

Geoffrey E. Hayden
Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine Associate Director, JeffDESIGN, The Sidney Kimmel Medical College Thomas Jefferson University

Patrick Hunt
Palmetto Health / University of South Carolina

Fabian Knebel
Senior Consultant Cardiologist, Charité Berlin

Lorenzo Masci
As a consultant in Sports and Exercise Medicine, Dr Lorenzo Masci has undertaken extensive and vigorous trainings. Starting as an orthopaedic resident he now works in London as a specialist consultant and Sport physician in various elite sporting environments. He is one of only a handful of doctors to use UTC (Ultrasound Tissue Characterisation) as part of the management of tendon disease and tendinopathy.

Assami Rösner
Senior Consultant Cardiologist, University Hospital of Tromsø

Wilfried Röthy
Head of Department for vascular medicine, Health Center South Vienna, General surgery, cardiothoracic surgery

Marc Schmitz
Content creater & key speaker, Founder & CEO SonoSkills

Brad Stefanovic
Director of Operations and Program Management, Criterion Edge

Birgit Sticht

Suresh Sudula is a consultant physiotherapist specialised in MSK Ultrasound & MSK Medicine, and the first physiotherapist in the UK to hold formal qualifications in both independent prescribing and MSK Ultrasound. With over 15 years of experience he is now performing ultrasound-guided MSK interventions including orthobiologics and specialises in ultrasound-guided MSK procedures including spinal injections and orthobiologics.

Elena Surkova
Cardiologist and PH Specialist, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation

Jens Uwe Voigt
University Professor, Senior Consultant