MSK Ultrasound of the Shoulder Joint
This brand-new eLearning course is designed for all MSK healthcare professionals who (wish to) examine the shoulder joint with MSK ultrasound. This advanced online course will cover five different areas of the shoulder joint. We'll discuss detailed (sono)anatomy, both at foundational as on advanced level. Many demo videos will show how to scan the shoulder structures in a static and dynamical way. We won’t only show the positions from the standard protocol but go beyond this.
Course structure
Module 1. Ventral Shoulder: Introduction, Biceps, Pectoralis major, Rotator interval, Subscapularis, Coracoid Process
Ventral Shoulder - recorded Q&A Session
Module 2. SASD Bursa & Supraspinatus: SASD bursa, SSP anatomy, SSP Demo, SSP pathology
Module 3. Superior, Dorsal and Inferior Shoulder: AC / SC / Clavicula, Infaspinatus/teres minor, Axilla
SASD Bursa & Supraspinatus / Superior, Dorsal and Inferior Shoulder - recorded Q&A Session
Module 4. Glenohumeral, nerves, and Scapulothoracic Joint: Glenohumeral joint, Nerves, Scapular, Closing
Glenohumeral, nerves, and Scapulothoracic Joint - recorded Q&A Session