Advanced Echocardiography
- 10.5 AMA PRA category 1 CME Credits
- Printable Diploma
- 6 chapters
- Over 10 hours (6 chapters and 23 lectures)
- Carotid factsheets
- Webbook with 15 chapters and high-quality demos
Carotid Ultrasound MasterClass
The Carotid Ultrasound Masterclass is a video-based online teaching course (10 hours) that covers the entire spectrum of carotid and vertebral artery ultrasound. The target groups are; vascular sonographers, internists, cardiologists, radiologists, angiologists, neurologists, vascular surgeons, and all health care professionals involved in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease.
This course is intended for physicians, sonographers/ultrasound technologists and vascular surgeons.
In over 10 hours (6 chapters and 23 lectures) this course covers topics such as fundamentals of imaging and scanning, the anatomy of the extracranial vessels, differentiating the external from the internal carotid artery, risk assessment for coronary artery disease and stroke, quantification of intima media thickness and stenosis and other diseases of the carotid and vertebral arteries (i.e. dissection, subclavian steal syndrome, vertebral artery stenosis, and hypoplasia).
The course will allow trainees to diagnose pathologies and understand the consequences of their findings. They will be able to decide when alternative imaging modalities such as MRI, CT and digital subtraction angiography are necessary and which therapeutic options we have.
A specific chapter is dedicated to therapy (best medical therapy, endarterectomy, and stenting). Here the trainees will learn: What “best medical therapy is, which role lipid-lowering therapy and platelet inhibitors play, how endarterectomy and stenting are performed, and what the advantages and complications of these techniques are.
The course is conducted by experts in the field of vascular sonography, angiology, cardiology, radiology, and vascular surgery and includes imaging demonstrations, cases, animations, operative videos, and documentaries on atherosclerosis and stroke.
Introduction to Carotid Ultrasound
In this introductory chapter, we set the stage for carotid ultrasound. First, Prof. Thomas Binder, a cardiologist, and Janet Hoyler, a registered ultrasound- and vascular technologist, talk about the importance and clinical applications of carotid ultrasound. In which setting is it used and...
Imaging Fundamentals
In this chapter, we dive deeper into the topic of imaging vessels with ultrasound. You will learn which transducer to use (and why this one), how to deal with artifacts. Do you know what the terms “angle of insonation” and “aliasing” mean? If not, find out here. The fundamentals you learn here...
How to Image Cervical Vessels
Are you ready to start imaging? After laying out the basement for your successful career as a carotid sonographer, it is time to move to the scanner. In this chapter, you will learn how to position your patient, how to get standard views of the carotid and vertebral arteries, how to use...
Pathologies in Carotid Ultrasound
After learning how to get the image, this chapter is all about what you might find while scanning. We teach you the fundamentals of atherosclerosis, how to measure the intima-media-thickness, why plaque morphology is important, and how you can assess the hemodynamics of stenotic vessels. After...
This chapter provides you with all you need to know to manage your patients. Here we answer important questions such as: When should an intervention or surgical procedure be performed? Which medical treatments do we have, who should receive them, and how effective are they? How do you follow...
Your standard Carotid Ultrasound Examination
After learning so much in this course and getting so many different inputs, we thought it would be nice to provide you with a sort of standard operating procedure on how to conduct an ultrasound examination from start to finish. We will guide you step by step from imaging to documentation and...

Companion Fact sheets
(Downloadable PDF). 160 pages full of tables, examples, and facts so that you can review what you have learned.
Webbook and Wiki
Online textbook: 15 chapters, 110 sections (FAQ) 175 images and videos. The ideal reference to learn carotid ultrasound.