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Adult Congenital Heart Disease BachelorClass

Congenital Mitral Valve Pathologies

Chapter 14
Presenters: Elena Surkova, MD, MSC, PhD; Univ. Prof. Dr. Thomas Binder

What you will learn

Maybe you have already encountered a congenital mitral valve abnormality in one of your patients. The chances are high because they are more common than you might think. This chapter covers abnormalities such as hypoplastic leaflets, cleft mitral valves, and more complex lesions, including double orifice-, parachute- and arcade mitral valves. Numerous case examples will exemplify the individual pathologies and help you differentiate them from acquired mitral valve disease. 


  • Hypo and aplasia of the posterior mitral valve leaflet
  • Cleft mitral valve
  • Double orifice mitral valve
  • Parachute mitral valve
  • Arcade mitral valve

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