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Speckle Tracking



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  • 6 Months Access
  • 12.25 CME Credits
  • 16 Chapters
  • Original price: 890€
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  • 12 Months Access
  • 12.25 CME Credits
  • 16 Chapters
  • Original price: 1,246€
24 Months Access
  • 40% Discount
  • 12 Months Access
  • 12.25 CME Credits
  • 16 Chapters
  • Original price: 2,136€
  • 12.25 AMA PRA category 1 CME Credits
  • Printable Diploma
  • 16 chapters
  • More than 13 hours of video content
  • 27 lectures

Information about Speckle Tracking MasterClass


The Speckle Tracking MasterClass will teach you this important modality of echocardiography. You will gain a deep knowledge of strain rate imaging and where it can be applied to use it in your clinical practice right away.





Speckle Tracking Compendium is a systematic video tutorial covering the essentials of Speckle Tracking Echocardiography (Deformation Imaging) and how it can be used to study left heart function. The course provides an:


Myocardial Mechanics - Advanced


An important chapter that will set the stage for a better understanding of strain and its role in cardiovascular disease. Here you will learn how the heart muscle contracts, which parameters of cardiac function we can describe and which components of strain we can discern.


Methodology and Normal Findings


This chapter will provide you with in depth knowledge on what deformation is and which parameters can be measured. You will learn how Speckle Tracking works, which advantages it has to tissue Doppler and if values can be compared among different vendors. Finally, we will answer the question:...


Instrumentation - Different vendors


How should a strain analysis be performed? Which buttons do I press? Which information can be obtained? We show you how to get the most out of a Speckle Tracking analysis on four different platforms (Canon/Toshiba, GE EchoPac, Siemens SC2000 and TomTec).


Thick Myocardium


Here you will dig deeper into the field of longitudinal strain in patients with increased wall thickness. You will learn how this tool can help in the differential diagnosis of different causes of "thick walls" such as hypertrophic CMP, hypertensive heart disease, amyloid heart disease and...


Dilated Cardiomyopathy - Advanced


Speckle Tracking can have a large impact on the management of patients with dilated CMP. This chapters demonstrates why it is of value, how it can help to assess left ventricular function and which prognostic information it provides. Again, we show many case examples that will help you better...




With improvements in the survival of cancer, chemotherapy induced cardiotoxicity is a growing problem. In this chapter, you will discover the magnitude of this problem, which risk factors we can identify and what the mechanisms of cardiotoxicity are. You will also learn how STE should be...


Dyssynchrony - Advanced


Speckle Tracking allows you to look at the timing of regional contraction. Therefore, STE can be used to study dyssynchrony in potential CRT candidates. This chapter will provide an overview on dyssynchrony and how the Speckle Tracking curves can help you to detect, and even quantify, the...


Coronary Artery Disease


With STE it is possible to look at regional contraction in the setting of coronary artery disease. In this chapter we will discuss how acute coronary syndromes and chronic coronary artery disease influence longitudinal strain, what post-systolic thickening is and why it is important in...


Stress Echo


If strain is able to detect ischemia, why not apply it during stress echocardiography? This chapter discusses the potential role and limitation of Speckle Tracking to detect coronary artery disease during stress echocardiography.


Aortic Stenosis


Left ventricular function plays an important role in the management of patients with aortic stenosis, and Speckle Tracking is able to provide valuable information on top of ejection fraction. This chapter will explain why and show how this technique can be used to monitor patients and assess...


Aortic Regurgitation


Aortic regurgitation can cause left ventricular dysfunction. With Speckle Tracking, we can detect deterioration of left ventricular function at an early stage. How can this be helpful in aortic regurgitaion? What are the current guidelines for the management of patients with AR? Keynote...


Mitral Regurgitation


Optimal timing of surgery in mitral regurgitation is critical for long term survival. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the current guidelines and show how Speckle Tracking can provide important additional information, both in structural and functional mitral regurgitation. Several...


Right Ventricular Strain


Longitudinal deformation can also be measured in the right ventricle. This chapter will show you how such an analysis is performed, how strain compares to traditional parameters of right ventricular function, what the normal values are and in which clinical scenarios this information is of...


Left Atrial Strain


The measurement of left atrial strain is a promising new way to study the function of the left atrium. It is easy to apply and could provide valuable information especially in patients with atrial fibrillation and diastolicdysfunction. In this chapter, we will discuss the physiology of the...


Future of STE


This chapter discusses the current limitations of the method and highlights the newest developments in ultrasound. Find out how Speckle Tracking can be used to directly image blood flow and and how high frame rate imaging could dramatically change the way we use Speckle Tracking in the future....


Prof. Thomas Binder, MD, FESC

Head of Digital Learning Medical University of Vienna

Elena Surkova, MD, MSC, PhD

Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals

Birgit Sticht, SMC

Senior Sonographer

Steven J. Lester, MD

Senior Cardiologist, Sonographer & Internist Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, Arizona - USA

Assami Rösner, MD, PhD

Senior Consultant Cardiologist
University Hospital of Tromsø

Jens Uwe Voigt, MD, PhD

University Professor, Senior Consultant
Catholic University of Leuven
Leuven - Belgium

Ole-Alexander Breithardt, MD

Senior Consultant Cardiologist
Agaplesion Diakonie Clinic, Kassel

Fabian Knebel, MD, PhD

Senior Consultant Cardiologist
Charité Berlin


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